Daniel MacDowell Info Center
The DIC (Daniel Info Center) was established by the United Nations in order to assist the FBI, CIA and the Interpol with the capture of Daniel Kendrick Macdowell-Breitman. Born on February 11th 1993, Daniel is currently wanted in 132 states and provinces throughout the globe for horrid crimes against humanity.

Daniel (also known as DKMB within the intelligence community) is considered to be a major threat to world peace, free economy and children everywhere. His contacts encompass hundreds of secret agents in most western democracies, various kinds of pets and ownership of a large number of stocks of Walt Disney Corporation. If you have seen or heard ANYTHING about Daniel, please submit your testimony and/or evidence to our mind-crime officer and webmaster.
Thank you and beware - Daniel sees all, knows all and is extremely cunning.

Daniel's Bar-Mitzvah - celebrating 13 years of Daniel's life

Daniel's Movie: a day in a life - detailing his daily activities in a 16-minute documentary for his 13th birthday!

Daniel's "Shorashim" (roots) assignment - sorry, Hebrew only! (family history)

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