Yonatan Breitman-Umansky, was born on July 30th, 2000. Statistics show this day was the hottest day on earth, ever.
But Yonatan and Efffie has made the effort to bring him to life. At the exact place and time Yonatan was born, we became parents.
Kind of reciprocal, asymmetrical though.
Looking at Yonatan, one realizes we, adults, only get confused in time, for it seems that Yonatan knows his own needs far better than we know ours. Contemplating Yonatan, you know what helplessness is. Look into Yonatan's eyes, hear his voices, touch his skin. Speak to him. Give him what he expects. Look into yourself too. Yonatan only holds half of it. You treasure the rest. Redeem it. If you want to get to know Yonatan, you'll have to do more than reading these lines. But it's a hell of a good start.

Effie and Jaron.

Tell his parents what you think: jbreitma@bwiil.jnj.com
Yonatan and Yaron on the floor

Effi and Yonatan in the swimming pool

Daniel and Yontan

Yonatan - a view from above

Effi, Yaron, Yonatan and Poo in Nesher

Yonatan and headphones

Yonatan and water balls

Yonatan and more kids around him

Yaron and Yonatan in cool sunglasses

Effi and Yonatan in Spain

Yaron holding Yonatan in Spain

Yonatan looking at his own picture

Nooki, Adam, Yonatan and friends

Effi and Yonatan sitting somewhere

Effi and Yonatan enjoying the porch

Adam, Yonatan and Tamar

Dan, Daniel and Yonatan

Yonatan as never before

Effi, just Effie (without Yonatan...)